viper209n wrote in unenamour Feb 04, 2012 09:19
music - afi, character - trey atwood, character - kirsten cohen, character - ryan atwood, - videos
viper209n wrote in unenamour Dec 27, 2010 08:10
drabble - gold, character - trey atwood, challenge - the oc word challenge, character - ryan atwood
viper209n wrote in unenamour Dec 27, 2010 07:58
character - trey atwood, drabble - berries, tv - the o.c., challenge - the oc word challenge, character - ryan atwood
viper209n wrote in unenamour Dec 05, 2010 13:38
- drabble, character - trey atwood, tv - the o.c., drabble - reindeer, character - theresa diaz, character - ryan atwood